
Innovative Education Weekly Presents Innovative Educator Choya C. Boykin

Innovative Education Weekly is featuring educator Mr. Choya C. Boykin who serves as the Superintendent for Life Leadership Academy and Headmaster for St. Mary's Christian Academy both located in Raleigh, North Carolina.  LLA is an online, 6th through 12th grade school focused on offering courses for traditional, non-traditional, and international students. Students earn credits by demonstrated mastery (CDM).  The CDM process entails students completing a comprehensive project, presentation, and an online assessment. When the students pass all three phases they are awarded credit for the class.  LLA has an annual enrollment of 5000 students throughout the southeast of the United States. LLA has the most affordable tuition of a flat fee of $400 a year for every four courses. We recently caught up with Boykin in Raleigh, North Carolina to ask him what motivated him to create Life Leadership Academy. Boykin replied, "It was my dissertation research that allowed me to create a...